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Yerba Mate El Pajaro sample set 10x 50g 500 g of the best types:
Yerba Mate El Pajaro CACTUS 50g
Yerba buddy El Pajaro EN FORMA 50g
Yerba Mate El Pajaro FRESCA 50 g
Yerba Mate El Pajaro GUARANA 50g
Yerba buddy El Pajaro MAS IQ LIMITADA 50g
Yerba Mate El Pajaro COCONUT 50g
Yerba buddy El Pajaro MARACUYA 50g
Yerba buddy El Pajaro MENTA-BOLDO 50g
Yerba Mate El Pajaro MAS ENERGY 50g
Yerba buddy El Pajaro MUY RICO 50g
Yerba Mate El Pajaro Elaborada Set 10x 50 500 g

Yerba buddy EL Pajaro MAS IQ LIMITADA 50g
It is a high-quality, selected yerba mate elaboration with medium-sized leaves and sticks that retain the taste of Paraguayan holly (Ilex paraguariensis) and additives such as ginkgo or Amazon camu camu berries with cactus and guarana

Camu camu is a small tree or shrub that grows in the Amazon rainforest, mainly in Brazil. The fruit has a mild aroma and enormous amounts of vitamin C. Ginkgo leaves and cacti are not only the secrets of their unique taste, in which we do not feel the bitter note of some partner species, but also a pinch of vitality, which has long been appreciated by phytotherapists. Guarana is rich in alkaloids, including caffeine and xanthine, and has gained recognition among mateists as well.

Powers of untreated nature enchanted in green leaves

Yerba buddy El Pajaro MENTA-BOLDO 50g
This unusual composition of classic yerba mate and peppermint is a unique yerba mate with a positive refreshment effect.
This yerba mate is a nice change for our taste buds, cooled with natural peppermint oils.

The composition of yerba mate is exotic boldo, which, according to Folk Medicine in Paraguay, relieves diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Yerba Mate EL PAJARO and all of its ingredients are not modified and organically grown. El PAJARO does not contain any artificial additives, flavors or GMOs.

Very good to prepare cold with ice as a terere. The taste and aroma are mint, deep with a noticeable butterwort

It is worth noting that we recommend this yerba mate after consuming fatty or difficult to digest dishes.
Yerba Mate El Pajaro MAS ENERGY 50g
Paraguayan yerba buddy El PAJARO MAS ENERGY is a strong, traditional Elaboarada. This pack is full of life-giving power and healthy stimulation. This is an offering for people who appreciate the classic taste and the same method of making yerba mate infusions.

It is harvested from clean, pristine plantations in the ITAPUA department near the Reserva Nacional - Parque San Rafael, which is a holdover of the Atlantic rainforest and is extremely important to the entire earth ecosystem.

El Pajaro is not changed in any way. It is an ideal alternative to coffee, as it stimulates equally well and in return does not flush magnesium out of the body. In contrast to its Paraguayan sisters, MAS ENERGY is characterized by a less bitter taste.

It provides valuable energy, which it accumulates in its bushes on sunny plantations in southern Paraguay. El PAJARO is a rich source of polyphenols and B vitamins. It retains its taste for a long time, even after up to seven spills.

Yerba Mate El Pajaro Elaborada Set 10x 50 500 g Product weight with unit packaging 0.5 kg
Yerba buddy El Pajaro MUY RICO 50g
It's a unique blend with an inspiring taste and extremely interesting properties.

The basis of El Pajaro Muy Rico is yerba mate despalada, a mixture of leaves and sticks from the Paraguayan holly.

In this variety we find a distinct advantage of leaves over sticks, which means that Yerba Mate has a strong taste and effect. The properties of holly were enhanced by the addition of the herb Damian, which is used as an aphrodisiac by South American Indians.

El Pajaro Muy Rico is an excellent infusion for tired or tired people who need refreshment. You can feel the effects of the infusion long after drinking it. The memory of a deep and interesting taste lingers even longer.

Yerba Mate El Pajaro CACTUS 50g
This stimulating yerba partner with sticks is an exotic combination of Paraguayan yerba, fig opuntia and lemongrass. For this reason, it is especially intended for mateists who like strong yerba mate with additives.

The taste here is perfectly clear with bitter notes. You can feel the real power of yerba mate in the infusion! El Pajaro Cactus is a universal combination for warmer and cooler days. Every time, it will attract you with its fragrance and distinctive taste.

A few leaks and you still feel the aftertaste, just like all El Pajaro - thanks to the base based on leaves from traditionally grown shrubs - retains power up to 6 floods. Remember that the second and third floods are optimal, and the first and last taste is the least.
Yerba Mate El Pajaro Maracuya 50 g
A delicious flavor variant in the growing range of Yerba Mate Pajaro.

This time the classic smoked dried fruit was enriched with dried passion fruit. The infusion has high stimulating potential and a nice aroma along with the taste. Dried El Pajaro Maracuya are smoke-dried yerba mate leaves with an average amount of dust and twigs, as well as passion fruit. The smell and taste are refreshingly fresh. Everything is reminiscent of compositions with the addition of mint. The taste remains even after five refills of water.
Yerba buddy El Pajaro EN FORMA 50g
The basis of Yerba Mate EL PAJARO EN FORMA is a high quality Paraguayan drought that includes both leaves and small holly stalks.

The whole has an intense taste with a relatively light bitter note and a rich aroma with a noticeable herbal character, the source of which is the addition of senna, willow and mint as well as a delicate banana aroma.

Senna is a herb that has been used since ancient times, is known in Chinese medicine and Ayurveda and is described in many historical herbalists, including the old Polish "Herbarium" of Syrenius.

Mint - Basic Dry in every herb drawer. Its taste is a touch of refreshment and in our composition it combines its spa bouquet with holly and gives the infusion a rich aroma.

Yerba Mate El Pajaro sample set 20x 50g

Yerba Mate Tea El Pajaro Elaborada Set 10x 50 500 g Traditional Coconut Muy Rico

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